Matt LaLone holds the position of President of Administration & General Counsel for Energy North and its affiliated companies, a role that extends beyond his corporate responsibilities to encompass his commitment to charitable endeavors. Within the organization, Matt is entrusted with the leadership of various critical functions, including HR, IT, Legal, and Environmental, Health and Safety departments. His role extends to the management of Energy North’s legislative and policy initiatives, positioning the company to effectively navigate industry challenges and seize opportunities to positively impact the communities it serves. Since joining Energy North in 2018, Matt’s tenure has been marked by remarkable growth, including the acquisition of over 30 new retail locations and multiple heating and oil companies. Additionally, he played a pivotal role in doubling the company’s workforce, ensuring that Energy North’s expansion aligns with its core values of family orientation, quality, and safety. Prior to his role at Energy North, Matt practiced law in the private sector, notably at the global law firm Seyfarth Shaw, where he served as a corporate attorney and fostered a close working relationship with Energy North as a client. Matt’s educational background underscores his versatility, holding a bachelor’s degree in biology from Boston College and a law degree from the University of Connecticut School of Law.

Catch Matt LaLone speaking at:

  • Claims and Risk Management Member Family Feud