Lars Daniel, a seasoned professional in the field of digital forensics, assumed the role of Practice Leader at Envista in 2016. His responsibility has been to guide the growth and development of the practice, ensuring that Envista remains at the forefront of digital forensic capabilities. This has been achieved through a strategic combination of technological solutions and the cultivation of expert talent. Prior to his tenure at Envista, Lars spent seven years at Guardian Digital Forensics, a company that was subsequently acquired by Envista in 2016. During his time there, he played a significant role in the operational success of the business. He served as a testifying expert and contributed as an educator, offering Continuing Legal Education (CLE) classes to attorneys across the United States. In addition to his educational role, he authored books and articles. Notably, Lars is a co-author of the comprehensive book “Digital Forensics for Legal Professionals: Understanding Digital Evidence from the Warrant to the Courtroom,” published by Syngress. His collaborative effort also resulted in “Digital Forensics Trial Graphics: Educating the Jury Through Effective Use of Visuals,” published by Academic Press, highlighting his commitment to clear and approachable communication of technical concepts within the legal context. Lars holds a range of certifications in Digital Forensics, such as the EnCase Certified Examiner (EnCE), Cellebrite Certified Operator (CCO), Cellebrite Certified Physical Analyst (CCPA), Certified Telecommunications Network Specialist (CTNS), Certified Wireless Analyst (CWA), Certified Internet Protocol Telecommunications Specialist (CIPTS), and Certified Telecommunications Analyst (CTA) designations. His status as an expert witness is well-established, as he has provided testimony in both state and federal courts within the United States and internationally. Lars has qualified and testified as an expert in digital forensics, computer forensics, cell phone forensics, video forensics, and photo forensics. He has testified for both the prosecution and defense in criminal cases, as well as plaintiff and defense in civil litigation. Lars’s dedication to education is evident through his instruction of numerous CLE and CE classes annually at prominent conferences and organizations. In his career, he has delivered over four hundred classes, providing Continuing Legal Education (CLE) and Continuing Education (CE) opportunities to attorneys and claims professionals.

Catch Lars Daniel speaking at:

  • Preservation of Cell Phone Forensic Evidence